As UN Human Rights Council meets – Tamil Women in Sri Lanka face abuse: UN Urged to Create Int’l Investigation:

Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) urges UN to create International Investigation on Sri Lanka

 As the representatives of countries around the world gather at the 25th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council this March to discuss the Sri Lankan Government’s accountability for the human rights abuses, war crimes and acts of genocide perpetrated against the Tamil nation before, during and after the war, the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE)wishes to highlight the current plight of thousands of Tamil women nearly five years after the war in the island.

Despite promises to the international community and the UN resolutions passed on Sri Lanka in recent years the Sri Lankan government continues to run a heavily militarised administration in the Tamil homeland with the use of its Sinhalese dominated army. This has led to illegal land grabs in Tamil areas by the Sinhalese army, restrictions on fishing and farming, abductions, attempted assassinations, death threats and state sponsored Sinhalisation of Tamil lands.

As has been stated previously there are approximately 90 000 Tamil war widows. Human Rights watch and Amnesty International in 2013, reported of several cases of Sinhalese soldiers carrying out rape and sexual violence of Tamil women with impunity. Recently there have been discoveries of mass graves throughout the Tamil homeland, including one with the burnt bodies of many women.

There are thousands of Tamil women who saw their husbands being taken away for questioning by the army after the last phase of the war in May 2009 and have never seen them again. They have exhausted every internal process over the last 5 years, including petitioning the Sri Lankan government and now thei only hope is that the international community does everything in its power to locate their loved ones.

The most recent report commissioned by the Sri Lanka Campaign group, supported by UN panel of experts Ms Yasmin Sooka, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Juan Mendez, and UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Manfred Nowak,states that nearly five years after the war, the human rights abuses against Tamils continues with impunity and their lands are being appropriated.

Tamil women are being forced into conscription by the army. The Tamil women heading families in the north have been forcefully sterilised to control the Tamil population.

On this symbolic day that recognizes women and their rights the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam requests the international community to take the strongest possible action at the 25 session of the UNHRC this March and pass a resolution calling for an international independent investigation on Sri Lanka’s crimes against humanity and to implement a UN protection mechanism that can assist the thousands of Tamil women threatened by sexual violence.

Mrs Balambihai Murugadas
Minster of Homeland Development Affairs
Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam

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