UN Condemns Sri Lanka. Ordered it to Punish the Perpetrators & Pay Compensation for a Tamil Torture Victim

TGTE Initiated Human Rights Committee Proceedings Culminates in Unanimous Ruling by All 17 Judges Against Sri Lanka.

A Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE)-led proceeding initiated with the U.N. Human Right’s Committee (HRC) on behalf of a former Tamil Tiger who was tortured at the hands of the Sri Lankan State has resulted in the unanimous ruling for the victim and against Sri Lanka by all 17 judges on the HRC tribunal presiding over the case.

The TGTE first initiated the proceeding with the HRC, the body of independent experts that monitors implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) by its States parties, under the ICCPR’s optional protocol. The TGTE also retained Mr. Geoffrey Robertson AO KC Barrister to legally represent the victim.

The HRC ruling detailed below is an important victory for all victims subjected to torture by the Sri Lankan State.

The Sri Lankan government has been condemned by all seventeen distinguished international judges over a case where a former Tamil Tiger who left that organisation, was detained, and tortured for a month by police before escaping to Switzerland. His torture, confirmed by Swiss doctors, included severe beatings with cricket bats, electric shock, and rape. The government of Sri Lanka denied the claims, but its defence was rejected. It also pretended that the claimant could have effective remedies in Sri Lanka, but these remedies were proved to be ineffective.

The UN tribunal has ordered Sri Lanka to investigate independently and thoroughly the police who were responsible for the brutality, and to ensure that they are prosecuted and punished. It must pay adequate compensation to the victim. It must change its laws to make sure that this kind of conduct cannot be repeated.

“Government of Sri Lanka denied the claims, but its defence was rejected. It pretended that the claimant could have effective remedies in Sri Lanka, but these remedies were proved to be ineffective”— Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE)

The victim was represented by Geoffrey Robertson AO KC. Mr Robertson commented “This is an especially important judgment about the legal obligation, not only on Sri Lanka but on the government of other countries, to protect all persons detained in police cells from beatings and other forms of torture and ill treatment. The Authorities have been ordered to punish the police who were responsible and to report in 6 months how they have changed their laws to provide better protection for prisoners. deaths and torture in police custody, especially as here when racial and political hostility contributed to police brutality, must never be overlooked.”

Ruling: https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/15/treatybodyexternal/Download.aspx?symbolno=CCPR%2FC%2F137%2FD%2F2406%2F2014&Lang=en

Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam

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